How One Biochemist Figured Out What Doctors Couldn't 
The Blood Pressure Solution!
Without Expensive Prescriptions or Dangerous Side Effects...

The Complete Natural Everyday
Way to Lower
Your Blood Pressure
One All-Natural Supplement Helps You Get Your Blood Pressure Under Control.
If you or someone you love has high blood pressure 
KEEP READING… It could save their life!
Our Most Recent Review
Dec. 30th 2018
"I am so greatful for the high blood pressure pills (Systolex) you have. I wanted to try it for 30 days what a miracle. My blood pressure has been extremely high. I went to doctors for help an all I got was throw drug prescriptions at me that didn't work an the danger on them was so dangerous needless to say I have gone from 240/190 to 130/85 in less than a month, watchin' my diet and taken this pill is so wonderful. I know I was in a dangerous zone but I made up my mind to do anything healthy for my self. Again thank you".
Dorothy Colburn 
Left Untreated, High Blood Pressure Will Often Lead to:

Serious Health Risk #1

Damaged Arteries

Healthy arteries are elastic and flexible. High blood pressure often leads to damaged and narrowed arteries. Over time, constant high blood pressure can lead to an aneurysm. Aneurysms are generally abrupt and catastrophic.

Serious Health Risk #2

Heart Damage

Heart damage leads to coronary artery disease, the narrowing of arteries that supply blood pressure to your heart. Over time, coronary artery disease leads to heart attacks and irregular heart rhythms. Damage to your heart could lead to an enlarged heart. This means your heart is forced to work harder than normal, which can lead to heart attack and sudden cardiac death.

Serious Health Risk #3

Damage to Your Brain

Your brain needs a  healthy oxygenated blood supply. When nourishing blood is not supplied to the brain, many problems occur. Transient ischemic Attack (TIA) is commonly referred to as a mini-stroke. It is a temporary loss of blood supply to your brain, a warning sign that you are at risk for a full-blown stroke. 

A stroke occurs when your brain is deprived of oxygen, causing brain cells to die. High blood pressure damages and weakens your brain’s blood vessels, causing them to rupture. High blood pressure causes clots - another common stroke causing ailment. 

Damage to your brain leads to dementia, a disease that affects thinking, speaking, reasoning, memory, vision, and movement. One cause of dementia is vascular dementia, slowly blocking blood supply to the brain, also caused by strokes.

Serious Health Risk #4

Damage to Your Kidneys. 

Kidneys depend on healthy blood vessels to function properly. Proper kidney function is crucial to filtering excess fluid and waste from your blood. High blood pressure can damage your kidneys leading to kidney disease (nephropathy). High blood pressure is the most common cause of kidney failure. Kidney failure leads to either dialysis or a kidney transplant, because your own body can no longer filter the waste and excess fluid from your body. 

High blood pressure can often lead to kidney scarring, damage to the blood vessels inside your kidneys. Kidney scarring leads to kidney failure. 

Similar to your brain, your kidneys can have an artery aneurysm. In this case, the wall of the blood vessel can bulge and rupture.

Serious Health Risk #5

Damage to Your Eyes.

Your eyes are filled with tiny blood vessels. High blood pressure can also damage the blood vessels in your eyes. Eye blood vessel damage (retinopathy) leads to bleeding in the eye, blurred vision, or complete loss of vision. 

High blood pressure can lead to leaky blood vessels which allow fluid build up under your retina. This causes distorted vision and scarring that impairs vision permanently. 

Nerve Damage (optic neuropathy) caused by a blockage of blood flow to the eye can cause bleeding in your eye or loss of vision.

Additional Health Risks...
Sexual Dysfunction

When blood vessels are damaged, undesirable side effects occur. High blood pressure damages the blood vessels, limiting the blood flow to your penis or vagina. In men this leads to the inability to achieve or maintain an erection. For women this leads to a decrease in sexual desire or arousal.

Bone Loss

High blood pressure increases the amount of calcium that you excrete through your urine. Excessive elimination of calcium affects bone density, leading to osteoporosis.

Trouble Sleeping

Sleep apnea occurs when your muscles in your throat relax causing you to snore loudly and prevents you from sleeping deeply. Sleep apnea occurs in more than half of those with high blood pressure. Sleep deprivation resulting from sleep apnea can raise your blood pressure.

With all these possible negative outcomes it’s no wonder why high blood pressure is referred to as the “silent killer”.

Hi, my name is Dr. Randall Johnson, and if you have high blood pressure, I’m going to share something astounding with you. I’m going to show you how people just like you are getting their blood pressure under control. And I’m not talking about an expensive prescription with horrible side effects and little to no effect…

The Complete Natural Everyday
Way to Lower Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can quietly damage your body for years before symptoms can develop. Ignoring these symptoms further will greatly diminish your quality of life, and often times lead to either a heart attack or a stroke.

Half of people who suffer from untreated high blood pressure will die from a heart disease related to high blood pressure. One revolutionary supplement gets your blood pressure back into healthy ranges. Plus you can say “good bye” to dangerous side effects.

If you are sick and tired of constant high blood pressure. I’m about to share some spectacular news with you.

I see patients with high blood pressure every single day in my clinic. Sometimes, they come in hopeless and defeated after all of their life style changes have failed. Other times their doctors tell them it’s their fault because of their diet. It’s not your fault.

Keep on reading to discover the secret!

Now I work with patients with high blood pressure every single day in my clinic. I’m a board-certified chiropractic physician and people come into my office all the time with high blood pressure. And over the years I learned that traditional lifestyle changes do not have the answers for these patients. On top of that many hate the idea of taking drugs to manage their high blood pressure. 

Until now, there have been a lot of lifestyle changes that produce zero positive results on high blood pressure. Plus, there have been loads of individual supplements that give you decent results for high blood pressure.

Perhaps you’ve tried some and gotten some 

         “so-so” results.

Sometimes, the results you got were so subtle and insignificant that you were barely able to track the results.

But, eventually, the numbers creep back up.

That's why what I’m going to share with you is life changing.

I’m happy to report that finally there is a natural remedy for high blood pressure that really works.
It’s called…. 


My patients report that it works better than anything they’ve tried before. 

It’s completely guaranteed. 

And the price is completely reasonable. 

This is a

Major Breakthrough for People with High Blood Pressure.

But chances are, you’ve never heard of it. Because that’s the way big pharmaceutical companies want it. 

But chances are, you’ve  never heard of it. Because that’s the way big pharmaceutical companies want it. 

They spend over 30 billion dollars a year to advertise their products to the public and doctors. They have teams of sales people visiting doctors offices daily to make sure they keep pushing their pills and prescriptions.

They spend over 30 billion dollars a year to advertise their products to the public and doctors. They have teams of sales people visiting doctors offices daily to make sure they keep pushing their pills and prescriptions.

So I understand most people haven’t heard of Systolex. That’s the way the big drug companies want it.

But Let Me Assure You,

 It Works!

But Let Me Assure You,

 It Works!

We have received so many "thank you" letters it's almost impossible to read them all

I’d like to share with you why Systolex is so effective in lowering blood pressure. 

If you've thought about your own experience with high blood pressure, the thought of a catastrophic health condition striking has you scared. Chances are, there is something lurking right around the corner. 

One day it just comes out of nowhere. You’re left searching for answers on why you couldn’t have done something sooner. And the only thing that occupies your mind is wondering how you can get back to normal, but often times it’s too late.

But Let Me Assure You...

And that’s why I recommended Systolex. There’s finally a Natural Blood Pressure Remedy That Works.

For years, folks with high blood pressure have been hoping for a miracle. And, despite the research, no one found a good natural remedy until researchers discovered Systolex. 

Systolex is a powerful combination of natural plant extracts.

Alone, each one can have an effect on blood pressure. But our research team discovered that combining them with a precisely-crafted balance greatly increased the effects.

And, as a result…

The Feedback Has Been Incredible!

Our phone center gets people calling in to say "thank you" nearly everyday.

You’ll hear their success stories in a few moments. The stories they share make me feel really good about Systolex and its results.

We’re hearing from people who literally could not escape their high blood pressure without turning to drugs. 

People who were stuck and left searching for answers are calling and emailing to tell us that they are feeling better than ever. 

People are telling us their doctors are thrilled with the results.

The Feedback Has Been Incredible!

Our phone center gets people calling in to say "thank you" nearly everyday.

You’ll hear their success stories in a few moments. The stories they share make me feel really good about Systolex and its results. 

We’re hearing from people who literally could not escape their high blood pressure without turning to drugs.  

People who were stuck and left searching for answers are calling and emailing to tell us that they are feeling better than ever.  

People are telling us their doctors are thrilled with the results.

Grandparents are telling us they are back to healthy blood pressure levels they haven’t seen in years.

People are telling us they have peace of mind not having to worry about if or when something will happen.

Wives and mothers who are so relieved they don't have to worry about their loved ones anymore.

And they are all wondering about one big question - How did they manage without Systolex until now?

So let me share something important with you.. The Key to Success is Remembering to Take It Every Day.

If you have been dealing with chronic high blood pressure, I strongly urge you to try Systolex FIRST.

Of course, it comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.

And if you’ve tried other products and you’re still miserable because of the lack of results, I implore you to check out Systolex completely risk-free.

Allow me to explain exactly how Systolex can transform your life so that you can be…

Back In The Normal Range

When the doctor says,

“It’s your lifestyle” or " its hereditary" 

It might sound like a death sentence. 

Life is over everything that you eat now can cause high blood pressure. This can be devastating. Changing your diet is not easy.

I know what this feels like. You feel trapped. Nothing seemingly is going to help.

And Nothing Works.

You just can’t get figure it out on your own.

You struggle to make the big lifestyle changes the doctor demands or else you’re going on a drug. 

The thought of not addressing your high blood pressure consumes your mind, worrying about all the horrible outcomes.

And the things you enjoyed most in you life; family time? You can pretty much forget about them ever being the same again.

Doctors know you’re suffering and hate saying,

“If you can't change your diet, you will have to take this drug"

Sometimes, they’ll tell you that the only way to healthy blood pressure is through taking their powerful drugs. 

What they aren’t telling you, is there are other ways that research supports, that are natural with no side effects. 

The chance for you to address your high blood pressure successfully with lifestyle changes is low. 

My Patients tell me…

Doctors know you’re suffering and hate saying,

“If you can't change your diet, you will have to take this drug"

Sometimes, they’ll tell you the only way is through taking their powerful drugs. 

What they aren’t telling you, is there are other ways that research supports, that are natural with no side effects. 

The chance you address your high blood pressure successfully with lifestyle changes is low. 

My Patients tell me…

Systolex Has Lowered Their Blood Pressure With No Side Effects

Controlling blood pressure is frustrating. It’s a moving target. We understand.

If you can’t control high blood pressure, the outcomes can be devastating.

No matter how much you change your diet, your body is not dropping it’s blood pressure. 

And you’re starting to give up.

Doctors know how many fail to successfully change their diet. But their only solution is drugs. 

Many people have high blood pressure because of genetics. Not because it was something they did.

One thing is for sure. It isn’t fair to be sentenced to live with high blood pressure.

A serious health ailment can take you by surprise. You never know when it’s going to strike.
You can be planning a well-deserved vacation and then - you just can’t get out of bed. You’ll never be able to take that vacation. All your plans go down the tubes because of a preventable health disease.

How can you control high blood pressure?

I’m going to tell you about Systolex, and then you’ll never have to worry about high blood pressure again. 

Now, I understand you’ve probably tried a number of natural food remedies in the past. Perhaps you’ve tried some pills or capsules. 

Maybe you went a different route with diet and exercises. And yet, none of them gave you real lasting results.

That’s where Systolex comes into the picture.

Just take it daily and pretty soon, your blood pressure will be under control. And you’ll be able to forget about the difficult diet changes and it’s effect on your life.

A serious health ailment can take you by surprise. You never know when it’s going to strike.
You can be planning a well-deserved vacation and then - you just can’t get out of bed. You’ll never be able to take that vacation. All your plans go down the tubes because of a preventable health disease.

How can you control high blood pressure?

I’m going to tell you about Systolex, and then you’ll never have to worry about high blood pressure again. 

Now, I understand you’ve probably tried a number of natural food remedies in the past. Perhaps you’ve tried some pills or capsules. 

Maybe you went a different route with diet and exercises. And yet, none of them gave you real lasting results.

That’s where Systolex comes into the picture.

Just take it daily and pretty soon, your blood pressure will be under control. And you’ll be able to forget about the difficult diet changes and it’s effect on your life.

Systolex's 7 Ingredient Synergy 
Gives You Lasting Relief

Before I share with you the ingredients of Systolex, I want you to become aware of some information the drug and supplement companies don’t want you to know. 

Most people aren’t aware of it, but the ingredients of most vitamins and supplements today come from China. Even if the product says “Made in the USA”, the actual ingredients may come from China. 

The reason this is important is because these products are produced with little or no supervision. You have no guarantee about the purity or quality of these ingredients. It’s like a game of Russian Roulette. Sooner or later, that gun is going to go off. And you don’t want it pointing at you when it happens.

SYSTOLEX is different...

Our product is made in a USA drug manufacturing facility. All of our ingredients pass drug testing standards.

This guarantees both quality and potency. 

All of our ingredients pass the strictest of testing in order to guarantee you get the most potent formula we are allowed to create.


Olive Leaf Extract

Oleuropein, a compound found in high concentration in the olive leaf, has been shown to favorably modulate high blood pressure's core mechanism: arterial resistance or stiffness. Studies have shown that Olive Leaf has similar effects as ACE inhibitors.**


Celery Seed Extract

Celery Seed extract has potent calcium channel blocking properties, that allow the body to better control the movement of calcium in and out of blood vessels. Combining Olive Leaf and Celery Seed Extract in clinical studies has demonstrated that together both extracts are able to safely lower blood pressure.**


Hawthorn Extract

Hawthorn has been used to inhibit heart disease as far back as the 1st century. It can help improve the amount of blood pumped out of the heart during contractions, widen the blood vessels, and increase the transmission of nerve signals.**



Taurine has been very successfully used to manage high blood pressure. When excessive fluid is normalized, blood pressure becomes normalized. Taurine functions to dampen the sympathetic nervous system, thereby relieving arterial spasm. When blood vessels relax, the body's blood pressure will fall..



Calcium helps blood vessels expand and contract, along with assisting the body's nervous system in communicating with cells. If the calcium in your body is too low it will take calcium from your bones to achieve these tasks.**



Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body and is responsible for the function of over 350 enzymes in your body. Some of these functions include the relaxing of blood vessels, dissolving blood clots, dramatically lessening the site of injury and arrhythmia, and acting as an antioxidant against the free radicals forming at the site of injury. Doctors have been prescribing magnesium for heart disease since the 1930s.**


Coleus Forskohlii 

Coleus Forskohlii has traditionally been used in Asian medicine for heart conditions. Forskolin is the substance within the plant considered most useful.**

People Just Don’t Understand…

When you have high blood pressure, others just don’t know what it’s like. It seems like nothing is wrong but there is something in the back of your mind all the time.  Is this going to kill me?  What will my spouse do? What will my kids do? Life is scary and uncertain when you have high blood pressure. 

High Blood Pressure is especially bad because you can’t feel it, it becomes easier to forget about… until your next Doctor’s visit when all the fear comes rushing back.. And the problem usually gets worse. 

Getting your blood pressure under control by taking Systolex may help you dramatically.

  • Reduced Risk of Heart Attacks
  • Reduced Risk of Stroke
  • Reduced risk of Kidney Damage
  • Get your sex life back
  • Peace of Mind

All of these can change when you turn to Systolex.

Imagine Your
New Life…

Imagine being able to go for long romantic walks on the beach without worrying about your future or your family's future. How about a day in the park with your family, engaging in your favorite activities? 

All of this is possible if you take Systolex every day. Don’t be surprised if you become one of our raving fans. 

We won’t be surprised if…

You can resume all the activities you love…

Get on your bicycle and go riding with your kids or grandkids?


Play the best golf game of your life? 


Get down on the floor and play with your grandchildren? 


High Blood Pressure doesn’t have to be 
a life sentence anymore.
If you have high blood pressure, why not take Systolex FIRST?
It could save you from years of worrying, hurt, and frustration.
How Systolex is
From Other Products
  • All-Natural
  • You can safely take Systolex every day
  • Systolex Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Systolex is manufactured in a pharmaceutical grade facility
  • Systolex contains ingredients used for centuries
  • Non-addicting
  • No messy creams or liquids
  • Contains the power of 7 synergistic ingredients
Finally Real Natural Blood Pressure Control

Are you ready to make your life easier?

Instead of using a whole bunch of different products, just take Systolex.

You won’t need different stressful diets or pills. 

That’s because Systolex works to lower blood pressure.

It goes to work right away, as it builds up in your body the results become stronger and stronger. And will keep working as long as you keep taking it everyday.

Here's how Systolex is Changing Lives:

Golfer: Many golfers are distressed when they discover that their time on the course may be limited - high blood pressure can cause a catastrophic life changing health event that prevents you from ever getting back on the course. 

But you can stay on the links (and beat your buddies) without any worry shortly after you start taking Systolex. We can’t promise you’ll drive the ball better, but we can tell you you’ll be playing the game you love carefree.

Gardener: Love working out in the garden with your flowers? Are you proud of the way your garden looks?

You can work all morning on your knees spreading mulch or weeding without a worry in the world, knowing that you are addressing your high blood pressure. You’ll smile when you realize how much Systolex has allowed you to go back to living your life as normal.

Tennis Player: Your backhand will definitely get some action when Systolex has your blood pressure under control.  

You’ll be on your toes ready for every shot while your heart is eager and excited to play.   You’ll be serving aces when you add Systolex to your daily routine.

Grandmother: Your grandchildren have come over for a visit and you want to be ready. Maybe you’ll want to cook their favorite foods or bake cookies with them. 

Or you might want to get down on the floor and play dolls with your granddaughter or a card game with your grandson. It’s easy when Systolex is part of your daily routine. You’ll be able to keep up with your grandkids without a care in the world when you take Systolex.

Doctor Tells All His Patients: I Lowered My Blood Pressure by 20 points!

“Systolex is the most efficient supplement I have ever tried. I’ve taken other things, but it wasn’t until I took Systolex that I really noticed a difference. 

My blood pressure dropped 20 points and I have a much better quality of life, from not chasing all of these lifestyle changes that took up so much time. I am close to retiring but still seeing patients three times a week. 

Since taking Systolex, I’m able to see more patients and that helps my bottom line. I was always concerned about my high blood pressure and what it was doing to my health. Now I know I’m on the right track with Systolex. 

I tell all my patients and colleagues about Systolex. I use this product every day because it really works. I’m now a life-long customer.”

Dr. Walton Tarre

From Our MailBag:
... Hey Doc, these calls came in just today. 
I thought you might want to see them.

John Waller -

 "I've only been taking for 2 weeks, but wow. My blood pressure has dropped, and I have a sense of well being, and a more calm outlook on life! Fantastic, will keep taking and update you all :)"

Steve Maise -

 "Before using Systolex my BP was always borderline high (140-150 over 90-105) my doctor was always warning me that I would have to go on BP medication if I was not able to get it down. Through diet and moderate exercise I was able to keep it low enough to stay off the meds but never was below 135 over 90. Then I tried Systolex. After using this product for two weeks as prescribed (3 tablets in the am), my BP was under 125 over 85, consistently. I have been taking it now for about 2.5 months and I am even seeing days when I can get reading as low as 117 over 75! that is truly amazing for me. I will always be a user of Systolex!" 

Suzy Hardy- 

"I have been on blood pressure medication for over 10 years. Recently, my blood pressure began to go up. I did not want to take more medication so decided to try this. I am happy to say that my systolic blood pressure was reduced by 15 points and the diastolic by 5 points. Previously it had been 136/80. I showed this to my doctor who said "If it works keep taking it." I am very happy with this product. "

Jen Mason -

"I ordered this product and was amazed. It actually works I feel so much better. I went to check my blood pressure and it was normal. Please try it !!!" 

Shana Noyce -

"This is the second type of supplement I've tried to lower my blood pressure. & must say I'm truly impressed it’s only been 2 weeks but I'm feeling great, no more headaches! Went from 189/95 to 145/85! So it’s working well! "

Michael Samser - 

"I’ve used this product for about 3 months now and it has helped control my blood pressure.I use it along with my medication and my overall results have been much better than when I took only my medication. Exceeds all my expectations."

Jerry Vengle -

"Yesterday I went to rite aid pharmacy store and checked my blood pressure machine and so AMAZING, it went to normal 111/70 ! I am going stay continue with it! And I Recommend take this product? Thank you so much for making this product! "

Are You Ready to Say Hello

To Healthy Blood Pressure Levels?

No other blood Pressure formula comes close.

It goes to work quickly to lower blood pressure.

You can feel better with Systolex!

These folks have...

Let me share Katherine's story…

"I would like to inform you that Systolex has really helped my high blood pressure. It all started in May 2013 when I went to my doctor and found out I had high blood pressure.

My blood pressure was in the 150s and 160s. My Doctor put me on Lisinopril, which shut down my entire digestive system. And then Losartan which made me itch so bad I thought I had mites. 

My doctor thought I was nuts. Niether helped bring my blood pressure down.

After taking Systolex my blood pressure is now 139/72. Everyone is different, but this works for me.  I’m also a celiac so I appreciate it’s gluten-free.
Pills are a little large but I’ll take that over those BAD drugs!”

"I would like to inform you that Systolex has really helped my high blood pressure. It all started in May 2013 when I went to my doctor and found out I had high blood pressure.

My blood pressure was in the 150s and 160s. My Doctor put me on Lisinopril, which shut down my entire digestive system. And then Losartan which made me itch so bad I thought I had mites. 

My doctor thought I was nuts. Niether helped bring my blood pressure down.

After taking Systolex my blood pressure is now 139/72. Everyone is different, but this works for me.  I’m also a celiac so I appreciate it’s gluten-free.
Pills are a little large but I’ll take that over those BAD drugs!”

Dane Campbell is very happy with Systolex.

“I am very pleased with Systolex. I did not want to take prescription meds for my blood pressure because of the bad side effects. I saw an ad for Systolex and decided to give it a try.

I have been taking Systolex for several weeks and it is helping to keep my blood pressure readings in good range. I do believe I have found the answer to my problem.” 

“I am very pleased with Systolex. I did not want to take prescription meds for my blood pressure because of the bad side effects. I saw an ad for Systolex and decided to give it a try.

I have been taking Systolex for several weeks and it is helping to keep my blood pressure readings in good range. I do believe I have found the answer to my problem.” 

Mary Lewis was able to drop her blood pressure meds after Systolex..

Mary Lewis was able to drop her blood pressure meds after Systolex.

“At 45 I was placed on a prescription for blood pressure (hereditary in my case, I exercise and do not have a weight issue). 

With in 4 months I was losing hair, side effect of the prescription. 

I tried Systolex looking for anything other than a prescriptions drug. It has worked fantastic. Blood Pressure is normal and I’m not losing hair! Amen.

Susan Jessie added Systolex to her husband’s supplements.

“THIS PRODUCT WORKS! - I was not paid for this review or asked to write one. I added this to the supplements I give my husband, double dose of KRill Oil and recommended dose of Vitamin K2, as those supplements alone were not reducing his blood pressure numbers sufficiently and I was very concerned about his numbers.

After about two months we checked his blood pressure and it had come down from 148 over 90 to an astounding 127 over 79… 

I had previously had him on Magnesium in addition to the Krill Oil and Vitamin K2 - but stopped the Magnesium when we started the Systolex as the Systolex contains Magnesium. 

I can’t thank you enough for a TRULY AMAZING PRODUCT that is totally natural with no side effects as there are with blood pressure medications. 

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Gretta Winsky shares her story about how she was about to be put on drugs…

My doctor was about to put me on high blood pressure pills.

I told him I wanted one more chance to try something else as blood pressure medication is intrusive and one you’re on it's so difficult to get off. 

After reading online reviews this product came up as one of the most significant. After being on it three months my blood pressure has dropped significantly and is in the normal range. Sometimes even lower. 

Recent check up, the doctor was astonished as I checked in with blood pressure at 117/70. I’m so happy!

Lisa Aaron from New Mexico let us know about her experience...

OMG! I am truly amazed :) I wish I had known about this earlier, but glad i found your website. I’m usually 130-144 over 80 something to 100 something.

After three weeks of taking Systolex 3x a day. Here are some results.( I took Pictures to Prove it… See Below) I’m sooooo happy that I found this product. 

My doctor wanted to put me on medication, but I had to see if there was something out there that worked. Thank you! Thank You! Still in shock and awe! Nothing that I did helped and I was frustrated. But Systolex blew my mind. 

I can’t thank those who made this formula enough.

And they just keep coming...

This is the exact same advice I give my patients.

When you order, you are getting a completely natural product manufactured to drug standards. Potency guaranteed. 

You won’t find Systolex - or anything even like Systolex - in your drugstore or natural foods store.

The only place you get   Systolex is right here.

And let me just say Systolex is a bargain compared to other choices.

Let’s Say You’ve Gone to Your Doctor and 
He Tells You to Take a Prescription…

He tells you about the side effects including rashes, stomach aches, and diarrhea. That’s horrible.

You head to your pharmacy and find out that a dose of this prescriptions sells for over $270 in Target or $287 in CVS.

Or perhaps he prescribes something else, that will set you back $305 at CVS or $342 at your local Safeway.

Remember, these medications have terrible and common side effects and the medications really start to add up.

And, by the way, if these drugs don’t work for you, you’re just out of luck. You can’t go back to your pharmacy and ask for your money back.   

But that’s not the case with Systolex. 

We offer an unconditional money-back guarantee.

And none of these medications are actually side effect free.

But that’s not the case with Systolex. 

It Was Formulated With YOU In Mind.

Lets Fast Forward 10 Days into the future

You’ll wake up with lower blood pressure. You’ll be energized, and optimistic and excited for each new day.

Imagine a life without worrying about the health problems high blood pressure can lead to. 

You’ll be doing the things you love for years to come. 

Experience life again without the weight of high blood pressure on your shoulders. 

Picture not having to worry about your family if something happens to you because of your high blood pressure. You’ll be there for them ready and able.

Enjoy Life Now That Your Blood Pressure is Managed!  

Just think about it. People are reporting that in less than a week they are:

  • Back to healthy blood pressure levels
  • Dropping over 15, 20, even 30 or more points
  • Excited to not feel awful from prescription drugs 

You can get your life back. Return to work and have the energy to enjoy life to the fullest. 

Let me remove all doubt from your mind.

Either Sytolex Works For You 
 Or You Shouldn’t Have To Pay For It. 

Use Systolex as directed for 90 days. And if you aren’t a believer, simply return the bottle - even if it’s empty - and we’ll give you a complete refund. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Don’t spend another day suffering.

Order Systolex Now.

Enter Your Email Below to Be Notified When 
Systolex Becomes Available!
Systolex Single Bottle
Get one Bottle of Systolex

$39.95 + Shipping

3 Months Supply of Systolex

$89.95 + Free Shipping


Monthly Auto-Refill of Systolex

$29.95/mo + Free Shipping
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Systolex will have your blood pressure under control FAST!
6 More Reasons You'll Love Systolex
Get All-Natural Relief

No prescriptions needed, and no harsh chemicals or known side effects. You can sleep well at night knowing you can trust what you’re putting into your body.

Trusted by Doctors

Chiropractors and Doctors around the country who have found Systolex have been recommending it to their patients. As you saw above Dr. Tarre used to suffer from high blood pressures and now raves about Systolex.

Sleep Soundly at Night 

When the worrying is over and your heart is pumping normally, you’ll have no more sleepless nights! With Systolex you’ll wake up in the morning rested and filled with energy.

Do The Things You Love Again!

Like Golf? Playing with your kids or grandkids? You CAN enjoy life again with Systolex.

Get Lasting Results Fast! 

Many Systolex users notice results within the first few days. Some of the our clients have been taking Systolex for over 5 years and continue to feel great.

Friendly Customer Support

Need a hand with ordering? Something not working? Whatever your question or concerns, our world-class customer support team is delighted to help you!

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice provided by your physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication. You should read carefully all product packaging and labels. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your physician or health care provider.